Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Pie-Cast: Holiday Special 2014

Delaware Pie-Cast sits down and chats about their favorite Christmas memories. Favorite Christmas specials, favorite gifts, and of course Jingle all the Way

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Episode #14 - I Will Be Hokage!

On this episode of Pie-Cast:
  • Martinez goes on a rant about how worried he is about the saturation of Superheroes in movies and TV
  • The guys talk about the end of one of the longest running Jump series: Naruto. 
  • They also talk about manga in general and how it differs from the American comics industry. 
Please subscribe, listen, download, like, tweet, or whatever cool thing the young kids are doing nowadays. Thanks for listening!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Pie-Cast: Halloween Special 2014

Hey there Pie-Casters! Well it’s All Hallows Eve once more, and Pie-Cast is coming at you with our Halloween special. 
The guys at Pie-Cast sat down and remember all they favorite and not-so-favorite Halloween memories. What were some of the best or worst Halloween movies? What were some of your favorite costumes? What was some of the worst things you got trick-or-treating? (hint: it’s pennies. Seriously who still gives out pennies?) 
So if you’re sitting around your house waiting for trick-or-treaters to come by or maybe you’re on your way to a party, give this slice of Pie-Cast a listen. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Pie-Cast: The Filling #3

Pie-Cast is back with a new installment of THE FILLING. In this month’s episode Bob, Martinez and Matt gather around a table in a secret location to chat about comics.
  • DC’s New 52 Futures end
  • Image Comics and how amazing The Fade Out #1 was
  • Marvel and their changes now that they have arrived on shelves.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Episode #13 - Guardians of the Automobiles

Delaware Pie Club sits down to chat about their thoughts on Marvel Studios' newest cinematic adventure. Guardians of the Galaxy. They also chat about some of their favorite cars in movies, tv, and video games.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pie-Cast Extra Slice #6.7 - Interview with Sara Richard at Wizard World Philly 2014

Freelance artist, Hang-glider aficionado, and Eisner award nominee: Sara Richard is an excellent Artist with work featured on variant covers for IDW’s various My Little Pony books among other places.

Pie-Cast Extra Slice #6.6 - Interview with Tom Whalen at Wizard World Philly 2014

If you are hip to the poster collecting game than maybe you have heard of…Tom Whalen.  Only said to appear in public twice a year on a half moon night, he is more elusive than the monsters he is enamored with. And if you don’t buy that he’s a pretty kickin’ artist anyway.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Pie-Cast Extra Slice #6.5 - Interview with Neal Adams at Wizard World Philly 2014

If you don’t know who Neal Adams is than you are severely lacking in moral fiber and if you do than your bowels are more than likely exploding with moral fiber. Neal Adams is the nicest guy you could meet; come on, we’ll show you what we mean.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pie-Cast Extra Slice #6.4 - Interview with Peter Bagge at Wizard World Philly 2014

Artist, Writer, music lover, and all around nice guy: Peter Bagge shares some cool insights on his life and just how things go sometimes.

Pie-Cast Extra Slice # 6.3 - Interview with Scott Derby at Wizard World Philly 2014

Artist, Punk Rocker, Avid Tattoo Fan and sometimes Adult: Scott Derby would like the world to think he's a world renowned safari guide bit in actuality he is a great guy who does cool art, always living the dream.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pie-Cast Extra Slice #6.2 - Interview with Tom Cook at Wizard World Philly 2014

Former Animator with the big houses like Hanna-Barbera and Filmation: Tom Cook is a man with a wealth of stories about the old days trying to make a place for Animation/Animators in the convention world.

Pie-Cast Extra Slice #6.1 - Interview with Dave Perillo at Wizard World Philly 2014

Great appreciator of all things old, or vintage as those in denial call it, Dave Perillo is a man out of time but the time he's out of is kind of unclear, so for know he does rad art till he regains his memory of his past/future life.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pie-Cast: The Filling #2

Time for our monthly comics talk. This month we chatted about the recent changes being made in DC and Marvel comics. New Batgirl redesign, New Cap, New Thor. Grab a fork!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Pie-Cast Extra Slice #5 - Interview with Matthew Roberts at The Comic Book Shop

Martinez of Pie-Cast got a chance to interview comic artist Matthew Roberts (Manifest Destiny) at The Comic Book Shop in Wilmington, DE.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pie-Cast: The Filling #1

Delaware Pie Club starts a new monthly feature: THE FILLING. Baked lovingly between the regular Pie-Cast episodes is a chat about what the Pie-Cast is reading, playing, watching, etc. Comics will be the main topic of conversation, but anything goes on THE FILLING.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Pie-Cast Episode #12 - Booster is Garbage

Delaware Pie Club sits down to talk about Cult Movies. What makes a cult movie? why do cult movies seem to stay alive? What's our favorite cult movies? All these questions answered and more.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pie-Cast Episode #11 - What's up with Adventure Time?

Delaware Pie Club sits down to chat about Adventure Time. What is it? Why is it so popular? What's the premise? Listen and find out!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pie-Cast Episode #10 - "S" Words

Delaware Pie Club sit down and chat about their favorite swords in pop culture.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Pie-Cast Extra Slice #4: Pi(e) Day 2014

The Pie-Cast guys gather round the table for a no holds barred, free for all, coffee fueled conversation.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Pie-Cast Episode #9 - Dogs Already Have Beards

Pie-Cast is back for a new year of pie and cool stuff. This week's episode features Video Games and the Apex Tournament.